Shelton 401(k) Pro-tips
Shelton 401(k):SEP, MEP, PEP: Which 401(k) Plan for Your Company?
SEP, MEP, PEP: Which 401(k) plan is right for your company? January 2021 will be here before we know it, and coming the first of the year, company 401(k) plan options will offer another solution, a PEP (pooled employer plan).
Shelton 401(k): In Honor of National 401(k) Day 2020
Your 401(k) benefit is one of the most important benefits, consider challenging yourself to review and tackle these items about your retirement goals and 401(k) plan.
Shelton 401(k) Pro-Tip #20: A Prosperous Retirement Is All About Saving
Achieving your retirement dreams will not happen by accident. In order to live the retirement lifestyle you dream about, you will have to start saving.
Shelton 401(k) Pro-Tip #19: Save Now or Forever Hold Your Peace
A 401(k) plan for most is an easy way to save for retirement - if for no other reason than the money is taken from your paycheck before you have a chance to spend it. If your employer offers a 401(k) plan, sign up for it!
Shelton 401(k) Pro-Tip #18: Enroll in Your Company’s 401(k) Plan as Soon as You Can
You probably know by now that you can build a sizable pool of savings if you take part in your company's 401(k) retirement plan. And guess what? Enrolling in a 401(k) is usually so easy.
Shelton 401(k) Pro-Tip #17: Know Your 401(k) Rollover Options
One of the many great things about 401(k) plans is that your assets are usually “portable” when you leave a job, meaning you have the ability to take your benefits with you. But what should you do with that pool of retirement assets when the time comes?