Articles for Employers
Time to Align Impact Analysis with Your Retirement Investments?
These important products can, of course, enhance any personal portfolio with the addition of environmentally sustainable investments. But more than that, impact investing vehicles can provide a way for investors to earn returns and make a difference in the environment through their retirement accounts.
Take Full Advantage of Your Company’s 401(k) Plan – Now is the time!
There is admittedly no more important employee benefit than healthcare insurance, but your 401(k) plan follows immediately after it. And we believe that now is the ideal time to start contributing if you have not done so, increase your contribution amounts if you are already participating, and consider investing in more aggressive options if you have a long time to go before retirement.
Are you Looking to Change or Switch your Company’s 401(k) Plan?
Here are five reasons we get contacted by plan sponsors to switch from other providers.
Don’t Touch Your 401(k)…It Is A Bigger Deal Than You Might Think
We know you have diligently been contributing to a 401(k) plan, and you have probably enjoyed seeing your net worth grow each year. For many Americans, a company-sponsored 401(k) account will be the most valuable piece of their retirement income pie someday.
Safe Harbor 401(k) Plans
For certain small business owners, a Safe Harbor 401(k) can represent a uniquely attractive option. By adding a Safe Harbor provision to a 401(k) plan, an employer can avoid top-heavy rules and non-discrimination tests and still offer the company’s highly compensated employees a chance to max out their retirement contributions.
Shelton 401(k) Bonus Pro-Tip: Reduce the Impact of Market Volatility with a Dollar-Cost Averaging Strategy
If you find yourself worried about falling stock prices – but you do not want to miss out the market’s inevitable turnaround — here is a tried-and-true investing strategy to consider.
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